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Everything posted by chaddyrovers

  1. Can only hope. Accountants working for both parties? Rovers cant cuts costs much more if we want promotion.
  2. DM me your number or email address I send you the pics Its doesnt look a big site. Just 4 or 5 houses at best from what I could tell from my experience dealing with House building sites
  3. Yes I can. Cos Ive drove past yesterday and took similar pics. Its next to the Brockhall training ground and next the under 18's pitch. Dont know who the land agent is tho
  4. These accountants surely will advises them to get rid of the club. Write the debt off and sell the club cheap Plus its shows how they dont trust Cheston one bit. Why bring in outside accountants when we have finance director in place.
  5. From Alan Nixon Blackburn. Venkys have called in two top accountants to look at books. Trying to work out cost of next season. And poss cuts.
  6. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/15270535.Rovers_boss_Tony_Mowbray_plans_Venky__39_s_meeting_to_discuss_his_future_following_relegation/
  7. Thankyou Mr Mowbray for the work you do. You tried your best. if you have been appointed for a full season we would have been top 10. Hopefully Mowbray stays for next season and builds a team he wants Here is his interview . http://audioboom.com/posts/5894885- … He looking for some assurances about next season and the budget. He is having meetings all week so we should know in a week time.
  8. Probably why Joao and Emnes haven't started the last 3 games. wouldn't surprise me if Gallagher is one. He hasnt looked interested much recently. probably since Coyle left. Some people on Saturday were saying after the game that Gallagher cant wait to go back to Southampton. how many is a significant number btw? thanks in advance But this is the probably with so many loan players For Emnes has the skills to be a good player at this level but far too many times he is lazy and doesn't work hard enough for the time.
  9. How did I contradict myself when I already explain the reasons why I prefer Steele over Robinson plus highlights Robinson's weaknesses several times(to the point its getting boring as hell. Plus I suggestion the perfect replacement for Robinson which was Westwood who went to Sheff Wed on a free when he left Sunderland. Suggestion Westwood on the 3rd May 2014. Was asked about Steele thing in 2016 aswell Here a link just for you https://www.brfcs.com/mb/index.php?/topic/31284-championship-201617-season/&do=findComment&comment=1683431 But all you interested is me and my past. Its like I'm being stalked by an ex or something. Very strange and weird your obsession with me
  10. again more rubbish posted again. I have already answered this several times and I'm not going to keep over the same thing time after time. so very boring and so time consuming. wonder how the your boring meter is doing? probably going into over drive. All you do is keep going over the past and for some reason its like you are stalking me
  11. very good on getting the meeting with the sports minister Rovers trust board but I don't what she can really do tbh apart from said she understand your concerns. The government aren't interested in Football. as long as the football clubs paid the taxes and national insurance on time the Government are happy Look at how many MP's turned up to the Football debate last time. 30 MP's at most. The FA will say that Venkys have done everything correct and not broken any of their rules. Like others have said previously it sounds like the same thing that Glen Mullan, BRFCAG and MP's did 4 years ago
  12. Very good points made here. You are very correct that Raya should have brought in much earlier and yes we do need to be more offensive but I think he has recongised that we need much better defensively than under Coyle and starting keeping clean sheets. Very good points made here again. Mowbray has had no time to sort out the fitness of the players which is very poor and must be improved next season. and under Coyle we would have been down already. but we arent
  13. I had a very clear view of the game and what occurred in it. at Forest we played the same system as yesterday but we Nyambe as the right centre back of a 3 man centre back with Mahoney as the right wing back 1st half and Bennett as the wing back 2nd half. Mowbray has been 13 games not 15 games. in that time we have pick up 16 points. so over a season that would keep us up. I like Mowbray's comments and his honest to the players. This isn't his squad and in the summer we will see major changes so that Mowbray can play the style of play football he wants and play more attacking. Lets not forget that the Fitness of this squad is poor so that's probably why Mowbray has had to change tactics and style. Plus injuries to key players. He has said that Ward cant play in a 2 man centre back line so that's why we have played 3 at the back and we have keep conceding too many goals. 5 strikers? really? Mowbray has not done this during his time so you are talking rubbish Not at all. But its gone cant changed what has happened. Got to focus on the present and the future. If you want to keep focusing on the past then do so but just keep preaching to me about it why? So you want to give it a complete novice? was odd Do DJ even want to be a manager?
  14. And in the last 15 minutes of the game we had Emnes Graham and Joao on. Made the team shape awful and did nothing to influence the game. Emnes work rate is poor at best.
  15. Ive said in the match thread about we lacked quality in the key areas today.. But defensively much better organised. We need have a guy who can tactical organised a team and have a plan A and B Referred to my points Ive made to your post
  16. I would say Mowbray will stay. He knows this club can go forward under him. Plus he has been planning for next season with Senior and taking a keen interest in the under 23's players Squad is good enough under Mowbray. Players fitness levels are poor. In the Summer Mowbray and Senior will overhaul this squad play the way Mowbray wants What a load of rubbish you are talking. Look at orgainsed we were today and Forest away. The team were orgainsed, shape was good. And just for the record I was there today. Sat on Row B
  17. Redknapp is doing the Birmingham job for free until end of the season
  18. Can Redknapp work his magic in 3 games? I have my doubts. Its going to be tough
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