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[Archived] Tom cairney

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For me Tom cairney has to be played in central midfield next season and given the freedom to create chances. He is completely wasted out wide. If you gave him a good run of games in that position you would see the best of him. He is a quality player waiting to burst into life but I feel his obvious talents are being sadly wasted

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See the best of him like we did last season. Utterly bizarre playing him on the wing when we play him, and so often not playing him at all, whilst persisting with an impotent central midfield in a team with one of the best strike forces in the league. If I were to point to one consistent selection mistake that has cost us this season, it would be this one.

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Too one footed to be a really good player. The number of times he gets closed down while he tries to get the ball to his left foot is ridiculous. Other teams only need to cover his left side to deal with him.

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No, the number of times we can't dictate tempo and create jack @#/? when he isn't in the centre is what is ridiculous. Playing him on the right wing when he is one footed is even more ridiculous. Central midfield is more fluid positionally (at least in terms of left and right), so it is less of an issue there. There are plenty of one footed players around who are good. He was our player of the season when he got more time there - I really don't remember teams remarking how easy he was to contain last season!

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I don't think he'll be with us next season, got a feeling someone might buy him, maybe Bournemouth. Youngish with sell on value, would still be of service to them if they get relegated, likes to play the passing game etc.

And I would imagine they could pick him up cheap enough.

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I don't think he'll be with us next season, got a feeling someone might buy him, maybe Bournemouth. Youngish with sell on value, would still be of service to them if they get relegated, likes to play the passing game etc.

And I would imagine they could pick him up cheap enough.

Can't see a premiership club coming in for him.

Bit of a luxury player, not quick or great at tackling.

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Too lightweight to play centrally in a 2, too slow to play wide.

You would have to play him as a no 10 and build your team around him. Unfortunately I don't think he's good enough for that, which is a shame as he's a good footballer.

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Henley Kilgallon Duffy Olsson

King Cairney Lowe Conway



My line-up for next season assuming Gestede is sold.

Swap Marshall and King for me (if he signs on ofc).

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I agree with chaddy. If we want to watch football how it is ment to b played it is vital he is are playmaker next season. With a good run of games in the number ten position he would flourish and be influential to are progression. I don't think we have seen the best of him and potentially could be a great player if used correctly

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The lad's lost his was this season for me. He's lost too many battles when we've tried to play more open football (when he's been central). Dunn on the other hand is what we've been missing there all season, from what I saw today. He dictated the play for long periods, until he got tired. Who knows what our season would have been if Bowyer had used him more. Take note Tom Cairney!

I don't rate him out wide either before anyone chirps up with that one...

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I agree with chaddy. If we want to watch football how it is ment to b played it is vital he is are playmaker next season. With a good run of games in the number ten position he would flourish and be influential to are progression. I don't think we have seen the best of him and potentially could be a great player if used correctly

Sorry bwt that hit re post

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I'm not sure I rate the guy, wasted out wide but not good enough in the middle

Decent enough but hard to fit into a team

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Too lightweight to play centrally in a 2

There's no such thing. There is only not having enough other attributes to compensate, and not having the right partner.

And for all these who keep saying he's not good enough in the middle, please explain him being player of the season last year?

For me, perceptions of him have sunk hugely because he hasn't had a good season - which is largely due to being played ludicrously out of position and not having a proper run in his actual position.

The alternative to playing Tom in the middle (barring a genius transfer move) is having two defensive midfielders, which we have done all season to utterly no avail. I wonder if you who are keen to get shut are some of the same people who have bemoaned us putting ourselves under pressure by sitting too deep.

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Tom cairney is the only player in a rovers shirt that has a shred of creativity. That special something like Dunn had. For to long we have had the likes of Lowe Williamson Evans spearing, the list goes on that will never posses that quality. That game changing moment. The difference between winning and losing. Yes the defence needed sorting. The midfield for to long has had ball winners with no spark that can't link with the front two relying on crosses and long balls. Cairney can give another dimension to are play making us less predictable and more attacking minded. Something that has been brought up numerous times on these boards. You can say he is a luxury player I say he is an integral part of positive attractive attacking brand of football

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Henley Kilgallon Duffy Olsson

King Cairney Lowe Conway



My line-up for next season assuming Gestede is sold.

Rhodes , king or Marshall won't be here next season
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There's no such thing. There is only not having enough other attributes to compensate, and not having the right partner.

And for all these who keep saying he's not good enough in the middle, please explain him being player of the season last year?

For me, perceptions of him have sunk hugely because he hasn't had a good season - which is largely due to being played ludicrously out of position and not having a proper run in his actual position.

The alternative to playing Tom in the middle (barring a genius transfer move) is having two defensive midfielders, which we have done all season to utterly no avail. I wonder if you who are keen to get shut are some of the same people who have bemoaned us putting ourselves under pressure by sitting too deep.

To play central midfield you need to be able to get up and down the pitch, put a tackle in, win a few in the air and not be bullied before you can think about what you do on the ball.

If Cairney had those attributes, then he would have made a CM position his own, with ease.

The alternative to playing TC in a CM 2 is to either play him in a 3 or play him as a no. 10. Which given we are unlikely to have Rhodes and / or Gestede is possibly more likely next season.

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I would say probably the best hope for Cairney in a 442 is if Lowe comes back next season. Lowe has the engine to help Cairney out. Williamson and Evans just can't cover the yards in the middle to support Cairney.

Perhaps a technically weaker player who is better in the tackle and better at driving forward would be an improvement. Cairney does dither, and the fact you need to carefully pick a partner for him is a big warning sign.

I do like watching Tom though. Hope we can figure this conundrum out.

As for what our team it is likely to be the following unless we pull of some decent transfers. Don't delude yourselves - Gestede and Rhodes are gonners. King we have a slender chance of keeping if no one fancies him, but I think someone will take a punt after his FA cup performances.



Conway-----Cairney-----Lowe---P Taylor



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