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Mike E

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Everything posted by Mike E

  1. Just been charged £3.30 for a coke. Scandalous pricing, but the real problem is it’s advertised as £3.00!
  2. Just stand behind me with a bucket and catch the sparks, will you?
  3. ‘Taking them to a replay at theirs’ is a tale as old os football and often a huge difference maker to clubs lower down the leagues. But who gives a shite about them, eh?
  4. I may have to wash myself in battery acid but I actually think that looks far better.
  5. Adam himself said something like ‘If you’re a fan of wrestling, rather than acronyms, this should make you happy’. Completely on board with that view purely because more wrestling companies = more wrestlers employed.
  6. The Solheim and Ryder Cups (and both accompanying Junior iterations) won by Europe, all in a two week span! European golf is flying! And Viktor Hovland is rapidly becoming my favourite golfer, so aggressive and adventurous, yet entirely humble and funny off course.
  7. In fairness, I think most posters (rightly) gave Mowbray stick for 2 years from the first death spiral just before Covid.
  8. Because you can’t guarantee that level of TV exposure, is my guess.
  9. More fans = more eyes on the ground = bigger/better sponsorship.
  10. Issue appears to have vanished now, I can access with no issues!
  11. Understandable, I think it’s a case of crossed wires and misunderstanding, so thank you for the reply 🙂 I do feel that JM was keen as mustard as recently as the Girona game, so it did appear very out of the blue to hear via mutuals that he’s no longer Chair. Hope all is well and hopefully WATR carries on its progress. I remain an interested and opinionated member! #WaggottOut re: ticketing, for my views just refer to the original of our wonderful Marketing Prospectus 😅
  12. What is going on at We Are The Rovers? At the AGM I stepped back with the intention being to become a co-opted board member (Heritage) rather than elected, but was subsequently deleted from the WhatsApp group (ooo, bitchy) so I considered myself excommunicated. I didn’t mind this too much as stepping down a touch was precisely because I couldn’t attend many meetings, due to my boys. I was still willing to contribute, but clearly nobody on the board felt I had a voice with any value. Now I’m being told that the Chair has similarly felt ‘encouraged’ to step down? Doesn’t sit right with me after the solid (imo) progress made in the last 6 years after inheriting a board of two fantastic people wishing to step down themselves, so almost an empty room. I’ve given 5 years of volunteering, pioneered the Marketing Prospectus, and been fucked off to one side without any explanation or gratitude, and now the Chair has also stepped away. Don’t get me wrong, change can be needed and be a very good thing, but the nature of these changes hasn’t sat well with me tbh. Can any board members please shed light? I have my own opinions on what (or who) has happened, but I’m open to changing my mind and appreciate I only really know my side of the story.
  13. I think Smackdown from 2001 thru 2005 was first rate, especially when Paul Heyman wrote it. Lesnar, Taker, Mysterio, Angle, Benoit, Eddie, Edge, and the emergence of Cena and Batista.
  14. Personally feel it would’ve made more sense to open the ends and close the JW.
  15. I’ll try my wife’s laptop when I get a chance. Literally only the Football Messageboard page. Bizarre.
  16. I’m afraid so, tried on Safari too To clarify, I can go directly to a thread I have already accessed from my browser history, but it got annoying after a week.
  17. Still having issues myself accessing the ‘Football Meesageboard’ part of the site, just presents me with a blank screen and has done since late August. I can’t see or read that section let alone moderate it 😅
  18. Don’t mind admittedly that I popped like fuck for Rock’s unexpected return! Was watching live, giving my youngest a bottle of milk and nearly threw him through the ceiling! And for 51, he runs the ropes fantastically!
  19. Who knew a bit of knowledge about the locals could go so far, eh?
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