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Everything posted by Gav

  1. Must admit I really fancied India to win the tournament at the start, especially after beating England convincingly in the warm up game. What an absolute shambles, no idea whats happened to them, messing around with the batting order yesterday and practically giving up against New Zealand after the defeat to Pakistan. England are the best team by a country mile, we should win this easily.
  2. Mowbray walked away from Coventry, handed in his resignation and waved goodbye to any further pension contributions or future earnings, he did the same at Boro too. This nonsense often written on here about him maximising his pension isn't born out by the facts. I also take exception to people throwing out that lazy narrative. How many posters resign from jobs due to bad management with no job to go to? Very few I’d wager…. I think he's genuinely trying to do a good job against a backdrop of chaos and absent owners. Its also interesting talking to opposition fans who think he's doing a really good job, with an exciting young team as one Brum fan said to me recently.
  3. Just after the Rovers goal someone receives a message on a mobile phone, must be the first one in U.K. 1984 😀
  4. 😂 😂 Its Halloween not April fools day, what utter garbage. Fancy doing my accounts this year Sparks?
  5. Nope, I’d have sacked him 12 months ago, but that doesn’t take away from the facts regarding his transfer dealings and probably the reason why he’s still here.
  6. With Ben Brereton flying and now showing the talent the club saw he had, I use the term club as it was strongly rumoured at the time that this wasn't a Mowbray signing at all, but I'm sure he'll take the credit for it now! Its worth pointing out that when given a few quid, Mowbray seems more than capable of finding a fantastic return on investment, no wonder the owners keep him around. Bradley Dack (750k) probably would have been sold by now if he'd managed to stay fit, £15m+ Adam Armstrong (1.8m) was sold £15-£20m Joe Rothwell (300k) sadly it doesn't look like we're going to get much of a fee, but he would have gone for millions had he been on a decent contract. Ben Brereton (5/6m) similar money to Armstrong if he keeps this up - New contract please. Gallagher(5m) needs more goals, but could make that step up. Kaminsky (400k) a £10m keeper in the making, more than paid back his fee if we sold him today - New contract please. Tyrhys Dolan (free) this lad could go far, still young, still learning, could be a star in the making - New contract please. Thats some return on investment, the owners need to take the heads from up the arses and get new contracts signed and sealed as soon as possible, or pour more money down the drain.
  7. I disagree 47er. He wasn't at his best yesterday, he's had a long string of injures which rules him out of test cricket, but when he's on song he's the fastest bowler we have and if he can get his radar right he's worth his place. Great performance yesterday as ojf says, good to see the Aussies on the back foot.
  8. Superb stuff Herbie, look forward to seeing the end product.
  9. After a failed attempt to sell off half the training ground, 6 months later we now find the facility moved to a bogus company for creative accounting and nobody was aware of the move until it happened? The true test of everything that these bonkers owners do is, would John Williams and Jack Walker have done the same, I don't need to answer that for anyone I'm sure. I just hope that the lack of investment in the team, the lack of contract offers to key players and the general downgrading of everything that is Blackburn Rovers, signals some sort of shift in the Venky position, a shift towards the exit door and pronto. Before anyone asks how will we survive, I couldn't care less, we die as a club with this lot at the top, I'd roll that dice today If I could. Venkys out.
  10. We were under a transfer embargo due to FFP in 2015, Mowbray and Waggot were nowhere near the club. The buck stops with the owners. I'd be interested to know if this new era that yourself and others have alluded to over recent months had wind of this sell off?
  11. I'm not talking about FFP to be honest arbitro, I keep reading Mowbray has been well backed, every club pays wages, our wage structure comes from years of managed living beyond our means, its not a Mowbray thing at all. We have been under FFP transfer embargo before, 2015 springs to mind, these owners don't have the capacity to learn from past mistakes, thats the real crux of the matter. On transfers, we've spent very little over 5yrs and the money has has spent has been well spent in the main, but its nowhere near enough to get us into the Premiership, thats my main point really.
  12. How much has Mowbray spent in 5yrs on transfer fees Islander? Serious questions. Every post I read of yours perpetuates this theory that he's been well backed, compared to the likes of Barnsley he has yes, Barnsley are a mid table championship club at best like us, but compared to the likes of West Brom, Fulham, Norwich, Leeds, Bournemouth and Brentford the playoff/promotion contenders, he's nowhere near.
  13. Football also existed long before the Premiership. If the club was doing well, Gordon Lee, Jim Smith and Howard Kendall - Don Mackay back end of the 80's, the fans turned up. It had nothing to do with prices and everything to do what was on the pitch. This football club will survive long after these swine's have left, we'll have good times and we'll have bad, but one thing is for certain, if the product on the pitch is worth supporting, the fans will turn up.
  14. As Herbie said yesterday, this is a sticking plaster for a broken leg and the lack of statement points towards it being underhanded in some way, no surprises there. The ground will be sold off next in the name of FFP, after then we have nothing left to sell.....
  15. The highlighted part above isn't true I'm afraid blondie, certainly in Sheffield Wednesdays case they included the sale of the ground in the accounts for 2017/18 where they would have reported a pre-tax loss of £35.4m, following on from deficits of £9.8m and £20.8m in the previous two seasons, when in fact it was sold much later and couldn't be included in 17/18 accounts, cooking the books and incurring a points deduction and league 1 football. As for 90% not returning, history shows us quite clearly that if the product on the pitch is good, the Blackburn public will turn out in numbers, its been that way since 1875 and will continue to be that way forever. You put Blackburn Rovers back in the premiership right now and we'd see a massive spike in numbers coming to games, you take Venkys out of the equation and you'd see even more. History also tells us these owners don't listen to fans, don't listen to footballing authorities or good footballing people and think they're beyond reproach, our situation doesn't improve until they leave the club, that should be the focus for every Blackburn Rovers supporter across the country. Venkys Out.
  16. They actually made a good fist of it in the end, but still lost to the mighty Namibia.
  17. Can you blame the fans for being paranoid after 10yrs of lies, false promises and orchestrated decline? We are not poorly supported in normal times, we had phenomenal support in the Premiership when Venkys arrived and will have again when this lot sod off. Sheff Weds sold Hillsborough to themselves, they ended up with point deductions and league 1 and I’d wager Weds owner could run rings around our 3 stooges shared brain cell.
  18. This board has been drip fed a steady stream of how things are changing for the better behind the scenes, posters have been asked to show patience. If that is the case, why does nobody know what the hell is going on here? Fans are speaking to club are they not? Did the club just forget to mention this little nugget? @1864roverite @Revidge Blue
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/48964055 Sheffield Wednesday ended up in league 1 after a points deduction for selling the ground to the owner? sadly he got his accounting periods wrong and points were deducted for breaking FFP. Could be something similar going on here….
  20. Scotland currently 2-3 off 4 balls against Namibia 😂
  21. Good read WIR. This is what some of us have been saying for a while now, the clubs setup to fail and will continue to do so until the owners leave the club, doesn’t matter who the manager is. That said, Mowbray doesn’t have the ability to get this club promoted, nobody does in my opinion, so I have no problems with him being sacked if that’s the road the club wants to go down, until then he’s a safe pair of hands until new owners save us from this nightmare.
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