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Everything posted by Mattyblue

  1. Couldn’t care less who appointed him, but it’s a results business and he has five points in eight games. Folk supposed to be impressed?
  2. So relegation form with JDT from December, relegation from with this mon since February. I suppose we have stabilised in a routine of not winning football matches.
  3. Sounds great Chaddy, I’m looking forward to seeing this model put into action next season.
  4. I don’t give a shiny shite about ‘passing games’, ‘playing the right way’ and all that - results, results, results is all that matters to me and he got plenty to have us consistently around the top 6 until December 2023. I will judge JE exactly the same way as we await said win as we go into game eight of his reign. The wins start today with a 1-0 off Gally’s shin after 90 minutes of hoofing it? Sounds good to me.
  5. He did a good job last season I can’t see how anybody can say any different with those players - as did TM in 21/22. Was it a fantastic job? No as we fell short, but we won’t be seeing a fantastic job ever again at this club until a change of ownership.
  6. Not true last season though Parson. This season undoubtedly he had ‘one way’ much of the time, largely because I feel he knew he had one foot out of the door and thought ‘feck it’ - another reason they should’ve parted ways much earlier, but this club doesn’t do such things. However you don’t get to 7th (outside the play offs on GD) and two good cup runs with a squad as average as that one by playing kamikaze football.
  7. We were just outside the play offs and had won a load of games going into December, points on the board is all that mattered to me. We then couldn’t buy a win for two and a bit months and the manager left, that’s football. Whereas this fella has been in post since early February and still hasn’t won a game by Easter (eighth league game today). Still, least we are now ‘pragmatic’.
  8. You’d think they’d be out already, they went on sale on the 23rd March last year - especially considering they are that desperate for cash flow they are still trying to sell 23/24 membership schemes.
  9. £352 for one of the ends in the DingleDome, doesn’t seem to bad to me considering they’ve been selling them out in recent seasons.
  10. So you’ve got a DoF working towards a ‘model’ of bringing in young lads to ‘develop’… whilst at the same time an ex-agent CEO bringing in players in their mid 30s without seemingly any due diligence by the sounds of it. 14 years and look at the state of it.
  11. That’s this season, that wasn’t the tactic last season which SW is largely moaning about. We were a very decent side last season as league and cup showed. Pathetic, loser talk. Which is what most of them are.
  12. There’s a reason these lads are second tier journeymen at best.
  13. He helped the club get to its highest position in a decade though…
  14. Nobody ever gets sacked so they must all be excellent.
  15. Because they have kits to sell. Like when Wolves play in their change kit in most away games.
  16. Only a month left but please sign up for a 23/24 membership of some description for no particular reason or benefit. Please, we need the cash flow.
  17. He’ll be back running an academy in Norway or wherever.
  18. Could’ve sold him for £180million and the team still wouldn’t have seen any of it and we’d still be ‘on the cusp of FFP’.
  19. So that’s the captain and his replacement as captain in a side massively short of experience they’ve bundled and tried to bundle out the door. If we somehow stumble to survival this time, it’s only a stay of execution.
  20. By not a ‘top table’ nation, you mean the national side not winning much? Fair enough if that’s the barometer you are using. As by any other metric England is a powerhouse of the sport and has been for 150 years.
  21. Don’t disagree with any of that CLB, but if the Indian courts don’t force them out, I can’t see how a few oiks (in their lofty view) half way round the world would.
  22. ‘Well how can you expect us to compete with King’s Lynn, look at their catchment area!’
  23. They aren’t needed right now. What are you learning from friendlies when half the squad pulls out ‘injured’ or the ones that do play play within themselves to avoid an injury for the run in?
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