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Everything posted by 47er

  1. In other words, you don't see the point of a Message Board.
  2. Yes, its all going to be one long upward graph from now on. Time to forget the previous 6 years! And no point in talking about Venkys because they are no longer relevant!
  3. You're not really that dense------are you?
  4. Yes but they all have proved they can stay in this division (apart from Swansea who are ex-Premier League). We have it all to do.
  5. I did no such thing nor would I but let's not bore everyone. We will all judge the manager when the window closes but it doesn't stop people from saying things don't appear to be going to schedule(to put it mildly).
  6. Uncalled for? You're being a bit soft to react to my mild retort. If we have a budget of 3-5 million (big difference there by the way) we are not doing much with it are we? Too much complacency, too much "in Tony we trust", too much "it'll alright on the night" style of thing. All I know is that, with just days to go to the start of the season, our team is weaker than we were in Div 1. Loss of momentum created last season. Such a shame.
  7. Perhaps they signed believing we would do some transfer business? A gloomy season spent trying to avoid relegation with dwindling crowds------how would we expect to keep these good players we're so pleased at re-signing? Somewhere along the line there has to be some point to all this. Can't just exist for the sake of it.
  8. YES! Went to that game, went absolutely ballistic when we won with virtually the last kick of the game. Wonderful, clinical goal from Santa Cruz but everyone who thinks Dunn wasn't a terrific player should look at that first goal.
  9. You've been winding us up for days and admitted you won't be around once the transfer window ends. Apparently you did this last season as well. Doesn't sound like a "Rovers fan to my core man to me" but does definitely seem weird.
  10. How come we are owned by billionaires and we haven't a pot to piss in when transfer time comes around?
  11. The whole point of the concern is about the failure to maintain and build on the feel-good factor created by last season (as you describe). TM clearly wanted to, hence the statements he made which have been quoted endlessly on here. Its not negativity to worry that its not going as planned. You brought up the term "happy clapper", no-one else has called you that ,as I recall, but the term doesn't seem extreme in your case. WUM applies as well.
  12. Name even one. Unless Straw Man has an account of course!
  13. Quite right. We trust TM to identify his targets but we don't trust Venkys to do their bit.
  14. Why do you think that's the reason we haven't signed any more players? I think you simply want to believe that. It doesn't make sense to me. We don't want him to panic, we just want him to sign the players he targetted and presumably believes are necessary. To my mind its much more likely that the plans he drew up before last season ended have not been acted on because there isn't sufficient funds. Much more obvious explanation. Evidence?---its the same reason that has ruined just about every transfer window since Venkys rolled up.
  15. The key word in your post is "if", often referred to as the saddest word in the English language.
  16. There is no hysteria, lots of people are worried though just as you say you are. Read your second sentence again. Quite right, that's what we were told. Read your second---"other than being unable to get them done early"------that's a pretty big "other than". I'm worried others will sign them instead of us, why wouldn't I be as time drags on? Note that I'm quite balanced about this and not all hysterical. So why are we assuming we are skint or no plan b etc? 1) Because Venkys have form in Transfer Windows 2) What other explanation is there for not getting the targets identified and listed in List A before we had even secured promotion and 3 )because TM seems to be putting more reliance on loans which he said he didn't want. So we are both worried but you seem to want to explain your own worries away.
  17. "if we don't sign anyone else". Bloody hell!! That is frightening. Is it time to panic yet?
  18. More likely that, with Venkys, money is never available when you need it.
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