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Everything posted by SBlue

  1. My expectations and “demands” for this season differ from yours. I’d say I’m a realist. Spread our boom and bust runs more evenly over the season and surely there would be less knickers in a twist. At this point you will probably say “but look at our defence and transfers” and something like “you can’t think he is the man to take us to promotion”. But as I say, I’m realistic about who Blackburn Rovers are at the moment and he deserves the chance, and I trust him, to lead the rebuild. Things change, and my thoughts may change - although I doubt yours will. So it’s a difference of opinion and of outlook. Articulated. Cheers.
  2. It’s a bit boring reading you lot raging and calling for the manager’s head all the time because of this poor run. Wasnt too impressed with everyone tossing each other off (“What?! Negativity? Here???” Style) because you were in the main willing to give him about ten more games. I think many of us feel we have nothing to add that won’t just go round in circles and descend into bickering. Hope we turn it round. Have fun.
  3. Facilitating debate nicely there Kenny. You wonder why you all get an echo chamber on here? Patting yourselves in the back for giving the manager till the summer. Seems that tide has turned and the masks are now off. Anyway that was proper wank. See you at Hillsborough.
  4. If you mean because he will probably cost £4m+ extra in wages and be on far, far more than even our best players then you’re right. Think what you want about BB but comparing his to the Bamford signing helps nobody.
  5. In our current formation Friedel Berg Hendry Nelsen Warnock Tugay Flitcroft Bentley Dunn Duff Shearer
  6. Bought my Rotherham ticket early as there is a £2 surcharge on the day. Next week going to watch Stanley at Barnsley with a tyke mate. £3 surcharge on the day. We aren't unique in this.
  7. Anyone need the pub crawl guide for Hillsborough in a couple of weeks?
  8. Not ready yet according to TM pre-match, although close. Will be playing on Monday with the U-23s
  9. Come on. We all know that if he was saying “let’s go for it we have a real chance” he’d be being called out for being deluded. A bit of realism wouldn’t go amiss. Wembley was still a fair old pipe dream for me when we were 3 points away and Assombalonga was 70% here. Blowing a few million and the wage structure apart in a January with an outside chance would’ve been stupid. On paper we are a pretty weak team in this league. We all know we’ve got some players that aren’t up to the next level. Another 4 game winning streak and Mowbray will be a god again. Then we lose the next 3 and “he’s not the man to take us forwards”. We aren’t playoff winning quality yet and pretty much nothing could have been done in January to change that. I still have faith in my massively optimistic prediction of top 10 and if we achieve that - it’s been a hell of a successful season.
  10. Don’t you dare! ? Agree with the first part regarding going for it, but it would be purely for entertainment... Two strikers, two second strikers/number 10s, zero sitting defensive mids/two forward thinking centre mids. We would lose 10-9 and people would criticise Mowbray for not being able to sort the defence. It would be ace. Still think Smallwood is underrated on here btw. Yeah he’s not Pirlo but there’s not much between him and Evans for me.
  11. Leeching, lip-licking, dog-denying, dodgy, back-stabbing wanker. I honestly find it hard to explain to people why he is the worst “football manager” criminal @#/? that ever walked the earth. Central, and pivotal to our downfall in every single way. (allegedly)
  12. I can’t see past Luton and Barnsley promoted and Sunderland to lose their bottle vs Portsmouth in the playoffs. Will be hilarious.
  13. Has anyone else noticed that his feet are fucking massive? He has the gait and the look of Cro-Magnon Man and I think that will terrify defenders as much as it terrifies himself and his teammates. Its been a couple of games where he took up great positions for forcing a throw-in with a shot and Armstrong wouldn’t slip him in. Armstrong is probably a “creationist” and is scared of what Brereton’s very existence means. But I believe in this weird lad massively. Keep him in the team please. It’s coming.
  14. PSG even without Neymar are still a top, top side with one of the best managers around. If in ten years Mbappe isn’t talked about as in the same bracket as C. Ronaldo I’ll be stunned. He’s just gone 20. Di Maria is back to his actual self. Draxler, Alves, Silva, Buffon - it’s a better team than United all day and I wouldn’t judge OGS on it at all. I wouldn’t write PSG off to win the thing tbh even if they do play teams of farmers most weeks.
  15. I’ve talked to more than a few Boro fans online and in person that would swap him with Pulis in a heartbeat. I know what you are saying but I really feel we need a bit more patience and to give him a couple of years. We had one season where we nearly almost never really troubled the playoffs since the Venkys came in. That’s when we had quality players all over the park. We aren’t that parachute payment club anymore. It will take time and it would take time no matter who is in charge. I just really don’t think we can afford to gamble again right now. We are only just getting some normality, structure and trust back within the club and it’s not like we have a squad of mismanaged Barcelona players. Nor have we been too attractive a proposition for top players to join us since TM has been here. No one is untouchable of course and if and when it starts to go backwards and tits up big time then you’ll see me on your side. But for now I’m right behind Mogga, he’s a safe pair of hands and I can’t ever really see myself being vitriolic in my protests for him to be replaced. Unless he gets an invisible dog of course.
  16. I know, he’s a bit of a broken record on the subject. We’ve had our fair share of mercenaries and “couldn’t cares” for the last decade though... So last season; winning more, being the big boys, promotion and big away followings etc etc didn’t matter as much to me as seeing performances like Benno and Smallwood vs. Shrewsbury. Proper heart, pride, and pulling their bags out for the badge. It’s not a bad thing to base your club and philosophy around imo
  17. Couldn’t agree more with this. But I feel the “grass might be greener” crowd are falling into the same trap right now with Mowbray. I’ll take midtable “consolidation” this year and hopefully knocking on the door next. But I won’t sweat it if we take our time - it’s a massively competitive league and we have no god given right to get out of it. I might not agree with every decision and I feel frustrations too - but I enjoy having someone in the dugout that I trust. If that’s naive or not I suppose I’ll only really find out in time.
  18. You think that Nelsen and Samba were better under Big Sam than Hughes? It’s debatable.
  19. Just wondering if you can pinpoint some goals we’ve conceded where organisational issues were mainly to blame rather than individual mistakes/loss of bottle. I didn’t think we conceded too many from set pieces for example but I might be getting that wrong. Genuine question.
  20. Yeah took me aback a bit too that. If he lived like CR7 he wouldn't be here though.
  21. We should keep Lenihan, but we need someone else like him (but more experienced) for backup - he's becoming a leader and is rough and tough and the mistakes will get ironed out... I wince when he comes for headers he shouldn't. Next to one of the two ruffians should be Mulgrew or an improvement on him. It's sad but Charlie is winding down and physically ailing. But we need someone to get a foot on the ball and be composed. Rodwell is not that man unless he goes on a crash course in how to actually be a CB for me. HOWEVER - I think in a 3 at the back, those 3 would be a decent mix, Lenihan in the centre. Some competition HAS to be brought in though, Williams disposed of and bring Wharton/Magloire through. More or less agree with everything else @Bigdoggsteel
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