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[Archived] Club Statement


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"We've realised you're protesting" - Aren't we an observant, caring club!

"We've allowed you to do it" - Aren't we really diplomatic and helpful?

"We want whats best for the club" - So lets stop this silly protesting business now.

I wasn't expecting much when I clicked on that link but thanks Venkys for disappointing me anyway. Your level of ignorance and pointless waffle has done the impossible and exceeded even the total garbage we've been fed up until now.

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It's a shame our copywriter isn't in the office today, because to me that seems to be in a very different different style to both PR statements and news stories the club put out. I can't quite put my finger on what's different about it, but something is.

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the V´s are surrounding themselves with buffoons.

Who ever the hell is in charge of pr, is as much a disaster in his area of expertise, as kean is in his.

Some simple common sense, would be appreciated.

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It may be just me, but the way I read it the statement is trying to draw a dividing line between a "section of supporters" who wish to protest and those who applauded the team off against Tottenham and backed them again on Wednesday.

Although well crafted, and I agree with Glenn that is doesn't read like the usual PR from Rovers, it does come over as rather patronising. We acknowledge your right to protest, we've allowed you to do so twice, but now it's time to unite.

In suggesting that it is a section of supporters who are unhappy it would appear to be following the same line as Kean but this is done with a little more subtlety.

As I say, it may be just me reading more into it than there actually is but it seems strange to issue a statement like this on a Friday afternoon before an away game. It's not like there are going to be thousands of us at Carrow Road, indeed, I would think this will be one of our smaller away followings.

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It's a shame our copywriter isn't in the office today, because to me that seems to be in a very different different style to both PR statements and news stories the club put out. I can't quite put my finger on what's different about it, but something is.

You are right there Glenn. It is not a PR statement that the club normally put out!

This is what Kamy has said on twitter

' Very very disappointing to learn that today's statement is in fact the standard letter sent to fans who complain. Massive own goal'

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It may be just me, but the way I read it the statement is trying to draw a dividing line between a "section of supporters" who wish to protest and those who applauded the team off against Tottenham and backed them again on Wednesday.

I think you're spot on - in fact, I think this dividing line already exists, it was getting rather uncomfortable in the Blackburn end during the Spuds game when the banner was unfurled after we went 2-1 down.

Lots of fans already abuse anyone showing what they think about Kean - I hope this doesn't make it harder for people to protest.

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I swear to god sometimes I think they've just got a "Running a Football Club" for dummies and referencing it as and when needed.

However, they clearly haven't read what to do when your manager is a complete shyster. (I've used that word twice today - both on this forum - funny that)

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I'm waiting for the page to load fully because surely there must be a few paragraphs missing.

All that is there is a review of what has happened.

I can only assume that every now and then a board meeting is held where one of the items on the agenda is, 'How can we further alienate the fans and is this possible?: Discuss'

I notice the part about supporting our right to protest doesn't mention drowning out these protests with loud music.

There are SO many things that the club now need to apologise for that any meaningful statement would need to be the size of a book.

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