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[Archived] Best player


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Tugay, not just because of his play on pitch, his image, attitude and personality.

Shearer was a genius but the way he left tarnishes his image in my mind, most probably because of age.

Back to Tugay though, you ever seen a guy pass and shoot like him? The goal vs Tottenham is still my favourite goal I have seen live. Imagine we had signed a 23 year old one? (or he did smoke 40 a day..)

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Privelaged to have watched Douglas, Shearer, Clayton and Tugay amongst others in the blue and white.

All had different skills and qualities but for me it's Shearer. In his 4 years at Ewood, it was like we had 3 up front and one in 'the hole'.

Magnificent, no other word to describe him.

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Difficult one .... how do you define best ? nobody could hold a candle to Tugay's technical ability but who scored the most goals who had the biggest influence on the team ? Garner ??? , which Rovers player played the most for his country ? Freidel ??? who has played the most highest level games i .e world cup / european championship games ? Shearer ???

to define best is just as dificult to answer who is best

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I've been watching Rovers since the days of Clayton and Douglas and in that time have had the privilege watching some great players. But for the best two I have seen and could not separate as they played in different positions but were both fantastic players are Alan Shearer and Colin Hendry.

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I've been watching Rovers since the days of Clayton and Douglas and in that time have had the privilege watching some great players. But for the best two I have seen and could not separate as they played in different positions but were both fantastic players are Alan Shearer and Colin Hendry.

Hendry better than Mike England?

Nah, different class IMO.

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Duff before he left for Chelsea(and became injury ravaged) he was unstoppable for us and he was as exiting to watch as he was productive, meaning he had an end product(unlike josh king for e.g.) he took people on for fun and then could pass, cross or shoot(and score) at his best he was almost on a par with giggs as an attacking wide player.

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Talking about best player on the pitch and forgetting any side issues for once then theirs been some flippin good ones since i started going in 81/82. One stands out though head and shoulders above the rest, Alan Shearer. Im sure he's got to be one of the best ever for Rovers,

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Bryan Douglas without any doubt. He could beat teams on his own. Imagine Tugay with pace, that was Dougie. The lad at Chelsea, Eden Hazard, reminds me a lot of Bryan. I'll give you my best team since 1962 when I first started going. 4-4-2 formation






Mike Ferguson


Bryan Douglas










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As AJW said, difficult to actually pick a best player, i think you would probably have to go one stage further and say best defender, best midfielder and so on.

In order to answer the original question, and sticking to the having seen live (on numerous occasions) i would pick 2 players.

Tugay, absolutely outstanding technical ability. Superb passing range and scored some amazing goals.

Brad friedel, solid as a rock and kept us in/won us so many games. Consistent,injury free and a superb professional.

By all accounts both players are also decent blokes too, a far cry from some of the billy big balls we have had/still have at the club in more recent times.

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Best in my life, Shearer. Head and shoulders.......announced his arrival at Selhurst Park, first PL game and two memorable goals. What an entrance! Despite injury, he dominated the division over four brilliant seasons. He scored when needed. Held the ball up like no other, scored with either foot, and head......also assisted his strike partners. Was brilliant at Euro 96. Of course his departure sticks in the throat, but players these days are transient. Enjoyed whilst here.

Never saw Bryan or Ronnie, great players I'm sure.

Having said that we were imperious at the beginning of time. Even Parson wasn't around then! Always impossible to compare eras.

What's brought this on? Nostalgia isn't always what it's cracked up to be! Missing out the last three years of course.......

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Duff wasn't as good as Mike Harrison or Waggy.

Love how the older fans always get nostalgic for the Hovis days and how the players were better back then.

Modern footballers are fitter, in terms of athleticism, and the game is played at a much faster pace. Duff's better.

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Love how the older fans always get nostalgic for the Hovis days and how the players were better back then.Modern footballers are fitter, in terms of athleticism, and the game is played at a much faster pace. Duff's better.

Well they have an advantage, they have seen both of them. You've seen neither.

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Well they have an advantage, they have seen both of them. You've seen neither.

You beat me to it Den.

My heart says Bryan Douglas, a one club man who still loves the club, a truly fantastic footballer both for Rovers and England. When you've stood on the terraces of Hampden and seen one of your own taking Scotland apart it certainly gives you a warm glow.

Having said that my head has to say Shearer. Without doubt the best striker I have ever seen when in his pomp at Ewood. Every time he was on the ball charging towards goal, I was always sure there was going to be a positive ending.

Mike England was a class act. Far better than Hendry.

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I know who my dad's favourite player was!

Suppose Shearer has to take it, but players like speedie, garner,jansen duff, Jones (GK), waggy,brotherston,hendry,hird... Too many favourites to mention.

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