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[Archived] Venkys Not Selling Rovers

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We have come across certain media reports that we have received a proposal for joint ownership of the club.

We wish to clarify that there is no truth in these reports

SO they have not received a proposal???????? who has received it then, their advisors who just binned it?

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Wrong time to make that statement. Time for all hands on deck and ready any form of protest. Cmon guys, at least for one home game, do not go, or go and walk out together. Those there, do what is necessary and do not accept this nonsense.

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  • Moderation Lead
'We are totally and absolutely committed to supporting the club and endeavor for its advancement in all aspects.'

Actions speak louder than words.....
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What shocking lazy statement. I've just spent about 4 hours on a call getting the message right to my customers for proposals and these guys shove out two lines........You could not make this up really who on earth reads that and thinks great that will do, ship it!

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Just rang the club and made it clear that I don't want to be communicated to in any way with any marketing or season ticket information.

The reason for this being that a ST renewal form would probably cause me to explode.

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If that statement had added content like:

We will bring in a manger soon

We will put a proper board structure in place

We will aim to better communicate with fans, and be at Ewood alot more

We will open more Kebab stores

We will give Abbey a personalised pune Signature in the form of a tattoo

At least give us more clarity like that of what you want to do with the club. But no, its a few lines of nothing. Now let the fun begin

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