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[Archived] Arsenal V Blackburn Rovers


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Andrews just stands off players and wasves his arms around. He has also given the ball away in our own half several times (more than Dunn).

Dunny has a) scored B) put himself about.

Wish I had been keeping track, because Dunn has done it just as much, if not more. Looks like Andrews has been told to stay in the middle at the top of the box.

Andrews hasn't been great, but he's not the reason we're losing, everyone just holds him to higher standards than the rest of our players.

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As usual there is a very large G-----A-----P between the full back and the centre halves.

All our opponents know this...even David Platt only took 40 minutes to work it out. Arshavin spent most of the half stood in the big hole we vacated for him.

WE NEED TO GO 5 AT THE BACK. We have had this problem for a year now, it's embarrassing.


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hope we can rally and get something outta this game, were normally out of it by now so is the best chance weve had in ages, were really struggling at the back as you would expect without the big man keeping guard but on the break they look really vulnerable and their keepers not doing well, would love junior to get the whole second half to prove himself, cmon!

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In case people think I was being sarcastic earlier, the BRFCS chat room is back up and you can join in the match play banter on there. It'll also save people having to go through page after page of oohs and aahs after the match...

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The defense hasn't been great... but Arsenal's attacking moves for the goals have been absolutely precise and there is very little any defense could have done about them. They were all executed to perfection by players of a much higher calibre than ours.

Fabregas just HAS to be kept at bay. He's created all 3 goals and most of their best plays.

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We are playing with 4 full backs! The Arsenal goals have been beautiful goals, exquisite.

Our defense has done what it can but you are up against a world class unit front front to back. I am glad we have scored 2 goals and who knows we may get another one in a 5-3 defeat in the second half- sets us up nicely for the Burnley game, we needed Samba here today.

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Plastic, your comments are shallow mate. Change your firsdt name to a shortened version of Richard.

There is one way Roves can stop the constant flow of arsenal pressure.

Take Andrews off and move Emerton inside. Bring Hoilett to allow some width.

Andrews is just sitting and when he moves forward he stops and doesnt track the player back, this is the reason why there is so much space behind the midfield and in front of the back 4.

For the first goal, Vermin wasnt tracked as he swept forward.

For the second goal, van Persil wasnt tracked.

For the third goal, neither Chimbonda or Jacobsen thought of blocking the runner when both were nearer the ball.

I said it would be entertaining I just hope its not going to be at Rovers expense.

BTW, great goal by NZonzi and a fantastic ball from Diouffy for the second.

Arsenal have been rattled at home. Just a bit of tweaking Sam and a point is there for the taking.

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...and another thing.

Anyone who thinks Andrews is anywhere near good enough to play in anything but pub football needs to watch the replay of Arsenals 2nd from the camera on the side 30 yards from goal.

Dunny has given away a free kick and Keith might as well have been sat with me having a brew.

Absolutely pathetic and a clear example of his awfulness. It's not just what you do on the ball.

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Anyone see the referee smiling when Arshavin scored? Cheating @#/?. There's no doubt that some of these referees are in awe of the bigger teams. It's pathetic.

yes me too Iwas going to post that he was practically bumming the Arses (excuse the pun) until nearly half time as were the commentators choosing to say N'zonzis goal was down to Arsenal mistakes but I suppose good kicking from Robinson and Dunn looks lively, however defence is poor.

What was the altercation with Van Persie by the way?

if its what I think it was then its exactly like the Adebayor thing except it wont be publicised due to the media dry humping the arses

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In case people think I was being sarcastic earlier, the BRFCS chat room is back up and you can join in the match play banter on there. It'll also save people having to go through page after page of oohs and aahs after the match...

Haha..... Why don't you just PM a moderator and ask for a job... Bah..!

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