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[Archived] Investigate or we'll publish Blackburn Rovers findings, warns Mullan

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The 'findings' are irrelevant, they'd possibly get a few tabloid headlines(if its a slow sports news day!) then be forgotten about and brushed under the carpet with the rest of the scandals.

As our local rag included this story originally, and seem to be supporting the cause with more column inches yesterday, have they found out if an investigation is in fact underway? I certainly haven't heard the investigation mentioned on Sky Sports News yet.........

Rather than just fill the paper, why not go and do some real journalism? After all, it was the LET that printed this:

“But if the FA don’t investigate then at the start of June we will start putting things out there in the public domain.

“We have got key witnesses who have come forward and are ready to give evidence.”

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Well, there goes June.

Maybe they didn't mean this June...........

It does make them look weak - not saying they are - constantly putting off releasing this so called dossier. There is a limit to how many times you can threaten to do something and not do it, if they want to be taken seriously. Haven't the FA etc already said, publicly, that nothing illegal is or has gone on. So are not likely to change from that stance. So why bother talking to them. Maybe they should just ignore and get on with doing what they said they would do.

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It does make them look weak - not saying they are - constantly putting off releasing this so called dossier. There is a limit to how many times you can threaten to do something and not do it, if they want to be taken seriously. Haven't the FA etc already said, publicly, that nothing illegal is or has gone on. So are not likely to change from that stance. So why bother talking to them. Maybe they should just ignore and get on with doing what they said they would do.

Pafell, my stance is this:

There is nothing in 'the dossier' with sufficient gravitas for any journo or newspaper to go public. Some influential people have supposedly seen the info within its 400 or so pages, and yet decided against running with the story.

I would honestly love to be proved wrong.

There are ways and means to get the information in the public domain without the risk personal redress. Anonymously via the Internet seems to work well for others.......

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Whilst I applaud what Mr Farron is doing and any publicity of our plight to a wider audience is a good thing, EDMs are pretty much worthless, their main use is for MP to see how much support their is for a particular idea and for bringing likeminded MPs together, even the MPs own guidelines say they're inconsequential

The early day motion (EDM) is a much-used device to publicise the views of individual Members

of Parliament, and to demonstrate the extent of support among MPs for a particular cause or

point of view. In parliamentary terms, the EDM virtually never has any direct consequence.

Public interest in them, which is well known to Members, perhaps in itself, demonstrates their

purpose. Even if an EDM does not attract wide national press coverage it may well receive

attention locally or regionally.

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Isn't it more like the MP testing the waters - is anybody else worried about their local club or just the way football, which plays a big part in the lives of many, is going? Presumably if there was a lot of interest then it could be taken further. you'd think with 2 politics graduates for sons I'd understand more about the workings of governments, but I haven't a clue

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Isn't it more like the MP testing the waters - is anybody else worried about their local club or just the way football, which plays a big part in the lives of many, is going? Presumably if there was a lot of interest then it could be taken further. you'd think with 2 politics graduates for sons I'd understand more about the workings of governments, but I haven't a clue

Have no fear I have an ex MP as an Uncle and he doesn't get politics anymore either. The reason I say what i have is that the MP's have already said sort out football in Jan this year or we will, so why raise it if that's the plan? It's already been raised, I can't help but think they'll string those fighting for justice along in hope of it going away with time.

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  • 2 years later...

My gut feel is somebody who shall not be named has friends in high places which might not be healthy for anybody. Cannot think of anything else that explains the gutless performance of the PL and FA.

Actually, not gutless, they have fought hard NOT to investigate something that is very obviously horribly wrong.

Perhaps that we now have the FIFA investigation going on, we can expect the PL and FA to have second thoughts on this. They have the material and know what this was all about, so perhaps agents in Switzerland will start to sweat!

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Surely now would be a good time to push this dossier and the suspicious goings on at Ewood under the noses of the investigating authorities and see if they take an interest. Mind you once they start poking around at club level that's one monumentally huge house of cards that could come falling down !

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Surely now would be a good time to push this dossier and the suspicious goings on at Ewood under the noses of the investigating authorities and see if they take an interest. Mind you once they start poking around at club level that's one monumentally huge house of cards that could come falling down !

I think they have had all the evidence they need. It is a matter of what they are going to do about it in my opinion, if anything. Plenty of proof there that the purchase of the club was all about making money from third party ownership. Looks to me like league rules were broken, but so far, nothing has been done about it. If someone could get hold of this now and link it to what FIFA are investigating, then it may become a bigger story. The common denominator is almost certainly Kentaro. Maybe Sporting Intelligence and Nick Harris, need to write a new article.

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I was thinking more of putting it under the noses of the FBI etc. Wouldn't be surprised if there are connections to some of the areas they are investigating :blink: The other authorities seemed to sweep it under the table. In saying that though things did seem to settle down a bit at Rovers behind the scenes not long after it was handed in so maybe it did have a bit of influence after all who knows. A 'get your house in order' warning may just have been given from a higher place.

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  • Backroom

A simple email, letter, parcel, to the American Embassy with a relevant cover letter may suffice.

Personally I feel the dossier can't have had anything worth a damn in it or it'd be shared more widely even back then. Sure, it can't be posted on the Internet but copies of the evidence with footnotes on connections and cross-referencing (if it's as comprehensive a dossier as we were led to believe) can be sent to whoever you like.

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Did the FA, PL and FL do a proper investigate?

I think Philipl answered this previously as follows

philipl, on 06 Apr 2013 - 3:04 PM, said:snapback.pngMy gut feel is somebody who shall not be named has friends in high places which might not be healthy for anybody. Cannot think of anything else that explains the gutless performance of the PL and FA.

Actually, not gutless, they have fought hard NOT to investigate something that is very obviously horribly wrong.

Is there any proper evidence of wrong doing by anybody?

Ask the stakeholders of the dossier

Probably not. Just whispers amongst the ITK.

Well at the time those involved thought something was very wrong

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Are you goading the supporters chaddy by asking this question.

No he's asking a very legitimate question JAL, a question all supporters want the answer to, but we'll never get a straight one thats for sure.

I think Philipl answered this previously as follows

philipl, on 06 Apr 2013 - 3:04 PM, said:snapback.pngMy gut feel is somebody who shall not be named has friends in high places which might not be healthy for anybody. Cannot think of anything else that explains the gutless performance of the PL and FA.

Actually, not gutless, they have fought hard NOT to investigate something that is very obviously horribly wrong.

Thats just philips opinion Yoda and obviously not fact.

If the report had anything that proved any wrong doing I'm sure the PL or FA would be been obliged to act, but clearly hear say and conjecture doesn't count as hard evidence in this case.

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