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[Archived] Paul Clement

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He has (had?) a basic rolling contract, so would assume the compo would be around £0.

Depends entirely on the contract. I think that Hughes (Or am I mixing him up with someone else? I know someone had it anyway..) had a rolling 1-year contract, so that the compo would be as if he had 1 year remaining on a normal deal. I'd imagine that just about anything could be in the contract; it could be a set compensation fee or it could be specified that none would be needed or anything inbetween. I guess we'll never actually find out?

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So Kean can have a third stab at hiring an assistant who can cover his inadequacies at organising a team to keep clean sheets?

Let's hope he gets it right this time. This could be a potential lifeline for us since Kean seems here to stay.

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I understand that Clement was on a short term contract only, possibly until the end of 2011 !!!

Very much doubt there will be any compo.

As for likes of Wilkins & Bowen, IMO, there is not a cat in hells chance that they will want to work with Kean.

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I've got used to the club being a 'stepping stone' in many players' and managers' eyes but surely Clement moving on so fast would be taking it to a new level. To be honest though, if I had a taste of life in the current Rovers management, with all the joys that the rest of the season will bring, and then had an opportunity to go to ambitious PSG I would probably go too.

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I can't find a link to this anywhere. How can Keys know about it and yet there be NOTHING anywhere. (Not even on the Talksport website).

If Chaddy can't find a link - it hasn't happened.

More Twitter rubbish?

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I can't find a link to this anywhere. How can Keys know about it and yet there be NOTHING anywhere. (Not even on the Talksport website).

If Chaddy can't find a link - it hasn't happened.

More Twitter rubbish?

Either that or it's another one that nobody at Ewood knows about until somebody rings India and gets informed by the tea lady there that it is in fact true and all venkys employees except those who should matter know.

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Guest TheArtistFormallyKnownAsJB


I think this post was a tad sarcastic. Made me laugh anyway.

One could see this as clements contract being cancelled, coupled with reports of Sk being in london..

Dare I say it?

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