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Transfer Window - COMPLETE. Where’s Gregg?

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9 hours ago, Vilesinner said:

He's excellent in the air. Most of his goals are headers. 

Is that just from the you tube compilation or from more data than that?

Someone who can win the ball in the air centrally and find a team mate or the net regularly would transform the team. A by product would be more room for Dack, Brereton, Dolan, Szmodics etc as the defenders get drawn to Hirst.

Looking at the stats on WhoScored Gallagher actually looks better thank Hirst. But... Considering Gallagher goes against a full back not a centreback, and virtually never finds a team mate when he flicks on anyway I'm not really that worried by that.

It would be okay if Hirst only wins 40% of headers compared to Gallus 50% if he finds a team mate twice as much and does so in more dangerous central areas.

Something to watch.

Edited by joey_big_nose
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29 minutes ago, RoversClitheroe said:

Personally don't rate it as a window.

We were in desperate need of a fast Winger and a RB and LB.

2 weeks ago we got destroyed by Reading and they've hardly added anything since.

We signed a right back in Callum Brittain who is huge upgrade on Nyambe. 

For me, Pickering shown at Blackpool away his quality and kept Bowler quiet most of the game. 

Yes a pacey winger would be nice but we have quality up front and plenty of depth

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10 minutes ago, RoversClitheroe said:

We didn't lose it there.

We lost it due to there midfield outclassing us, and I guess Phillips not winning a header 

Yeah but I don't think we need another midfielder brought in, we just need to play three centre mids when the opposition does imo. We've got more than enough centre mids to do that.


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58 minutes ago, glen9mullan said:

I knew Hirst was happening Saturday, but having been burnt before i was unsure if to post it but opted to do so, as its a discussion board.

Right or wrong I enjoy hearing rumours so my vote would be post what you hear and ignore the nobheads. As long as they're not total fabrication it's always interesting to hear. 

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1 minute ago, chaddyrovers said:

Pickering did his job and kept Bowler quiet with the help at Adam Wharton sometimes to double up on him

Sometimes? Every time Bowler had the ball he had Wharton, Pickering, and sometimes BDD on him straight away. We doubled/tripled up on him - that was the plan. Solely putting it on Pickering is way off. 

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27 minutes ago, RoversClitheroe said:

We didn't lose it there.

We lost it due to there midfield outclassing us, and I guess Phillips not winning a header 

Partly right. But they were never going to invest in the LB area after paying 2 fees recently. Same with RB - once they bought Brittain, that was going to be it. 

I do think Travis and Carter as stop gaps when Brittain is injured is probably enough.

Wharton has staked a claim for CM recently but I must admit that prior to that we looked lacking. Mola can also play there apparently.

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8 hours ago, 47er said:

I agree with that, I was assuming Brereton's approval. He does seem to have an affection for us.

He seems an intellgent lad, and doubtless remembers how he struggled in his first couple of seasons.

Compared with the fees being bandied about these days, £7 million's nothing (!!); but it must have been a bit of a millstone round his neck in his early days here.  The club - and we fans - stuck by him then; his attitude now feels like him acknowledging that.

I bet he's pleased by the little gestures like the Chilean flag draped over the front of the JWU at each home game.

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26 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

Gregg Broughton delivered what he DAY and us signing players for fees without sale of BBD. Around 6 mil spend probably leaving us a couple of million for January 

Pleased with the window.  Ok some would argue we should have got more players in with better quality, but 6 in with a 20+ goal star remaining taking account of our current situation is excellent. 

Still on a high after win at seaside. We now have to get behind the lads and win tomorrow.

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2 hours ago, islander200 said:

There was a quite a few who thought Brererton had something myself included 

I watched the video that was on here when we signed him at first. There were loads of things he couldn’t do on that video but one thing stood out for me  - he could pick the ball up in the old inside left position and run with it. He couldn’t play right up front and he wasn’t as effective on the  right but he was a destructive runner coming from that area of the pitch with the ball.

Why did it take so long for the management to figure out that’s where we should be playing him ? 

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31 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

Pickering did his job and kept Bowler quiet with the help at Adam Wharton sometimes to double up on him

29 minutes ago, JacknOry said:

Sometimes? Every time Bowler had the ball he had Wharton, Pickering, and sometimes BDD on him straight away. We doubled/tripled up on him - that was the plan. Solely putting it on Pickering is way off. 

Whenever Bowler was 1v1 against Pickering he usually ended up being able to get a cross in, it was a good job we doubled and tripled up on him. I don’t want to be to harsh on Pickering because he’s just not good enough and that’s not his fault, Wednesday was one of his better games for us though. 

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46 minutes ago, RoversClitheroe said:

Wharton was doing the closing down and tackling against Bowler

Not all the time.Wharton helped but Pickering had a good game aswell.

Id rather someone better at lb myself that doesn't mean Pickering doesn't deserve praise when he plays well, and he did on Wednesday night 

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1 hour ago, Mattyblue said:

I don’t comment through the window, as what’s the point when the big moves happen in the last 10 days. ‘Where’s  Broughton?’ Who cares was my view, he had a job to do, I wasn’t interested in his musings on the transfer market on the 28th July or whenever.

So what’s clear to me is that we are at the whim of the owners, end of.

All this about becoming a trading club, selling assets for big prices and re-investing isn’t the model here. It was something projected by some fans of how they want the club to be, not the reality. The way we’ve approached contracts and offers tells us that.

And that’s fine, it’s their club. If they are happy to turn down £15-£20million for Rothwell and BBD in six months alone, then that’s their prerogative.

We are now in one of their spells where they look happy to spend on players regardless and with the more professional set up on the playing side, it looks promising and I’m happy to see how it pans out. How long will it last until it all gets ripped up again? Who knows, but I do feel we can have a go this season.


Something iv'e been saying ages that the Brentford model here is nonsense it was just pitched by the previous regime as another get out of jail card when pressure was on.

100% correct we just exist on a whim, they spent early in Bowyers time, they spent big early in Mowbrays time.  Just history repeating itself with a new manager but it's the lack of consistency that causes the issues as time moves on.

Just as likely as more investment in summer is another round of budget cuts and big sales.

So we need to make the most of it now !

Edited by tomphil
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2 minutes ago, islander200 said:

Not all the time. Wharton helped but Pickering had a good game aswell.

Id rather someone better at lb myself that doesn't mean Pickering doesn't deserve praise when he plays well, and he did on Wednesday night 

I thought Pickering did pretty well.  His main nemesis is pace, of which Bowler isn't blessed with loads.  I was also extremely worried about him vs WBA with Jed Wallace' crossing ability, but he just about managed there as well, barring one or two hairy moments.

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Not kept too close an eye on things elsewhere, but how have other clubs fared? Few headlines from flicking through articles below.

Watford held onto Sarr and Pedro (and got Davis in from Villa to replace Dennis, that'll be some front 3) and Sheffield United held onto Berge, whilst Burnley seem to have signed a fair few Maatsen and Vitinho look decent from what i've seen, but it's a complete rebuild there.

Boro seem to have done okay-ish, but they didn't spend much of their sales income (FFP was looming after the last 3 years). 

Norwich don't appear to have done much, they could be the 'money club' that struggles in my eyes, I think the top 2 will be out of their reach.

Sunderland spent £10m!! on Jack Clarke (Neil not Mowbray)

WBA dealt mainly in free transfers but Wallace and Swift look fairly shrewd.

Overall, I think we've done okay comparing to rivals, though our 'out' column is a little worrying with solid 1st teamers. It's an open league for sure, there isn't going to be a Fulham this year.

Edited by superniko
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8 minutes ago, Butty said:

Whenever Bowler was 1v1 against Pickering he usually ended up being able to get a cross in, it was a good job we doubled and tripled up on him. I don’t want to be to harsh on Pickering because he’s just not good enough and that’s not his fault, Wednesday was one of his better games for us though. 

I'd have to watch again, but I can't really remember Bowler getting to the byline too many times...  I felt like the more obvious threat was coming from their left (our right) in the form of Lavery and their left back (name escapes me).  

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Coming into this season it was clear we had real problems with gaping holes in the squad, the matchday squad at that. The biggest losses for me were Lenihan, Rothwell, Van Hecke and Khedra from last season. Have we replaced those players with the same quality or better? Time will tell, nobody knows.

Another takeaway from last season was we had no strength in depth, once the inevitable suspensions, injuries and loss of form hit we sank like a stone, we certainly haven't improved in that area, still a real cause for concern I'd say.

I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised we paid one or two transfer fees this time around, although if you do the sums it only amount to Lenihans apparent 4yrs contract offer over 4yrs, buts lets hope the outlay bears fruit and at least JDT has been backed with a few quid.

Listening to Tomassons interview midweek, he wants 3 transfer windows, not including this, to put his stamp on the team, so the journey starts here, with Bristol City tomorrow.

Onwards and upwards.

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7 hours ago, AllRoverAsia said:

Or we win and go bat shit fecking crazy!

Sunderland are now a member of the mini league that we must top this season, the others being all from Lancs, I don't need to name them. We top that and we've had a very good season.

I know what you mean, @AllRoverAsia; and this is why I can't understand the incomprehension @chaddyroverssays he has for those of us who compare the progress the club makes season on season.

However, if I may suggest, beating the Mackems at their place - and Ewood, obvs! - and topping that Lancashire mini-League will only be the mark of a "good" season for me.

A "Very good" season will see what feels like a re-booted Rovers in the play-offs; an excellent season will see us back in the Premier League.

But Rome wasn't built in a day; so, with no disrespect, @AllRoverAsia , I hope JDT has the team prepared for my definition of a very good season rather than yours!

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Feeling positive at the conclusion of that window. Only thing I’m worried about is we don’t really have a decent alternative for Brittain at RB and I would’ve liked an attacker like Dembele brought in as I don’t know if Dolan/Markanday/Vale can be relied upon for goals. 

I guess they’re problems that can be solved in January if needed.

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