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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/20 in Posts

  1. I’ll be honest, I don’t think that’s true at all. He always seemed inhibited on the right wing, even if Mowbray selected him there the most, then when he eventually played in CM alongside Travis, amazingly, he played his best football!
    5 points
  2. He's missed 19 games through injury this season and played 17 - I'd suggest he'd be 'holding down' a place if it wasn't for that. We always played better with him in the team, the fans loved him, yet TM came out with that 'gem' about Evans and Smallwood to somehow try to vindicate his exclusion... Norwich , he was a regular starter albeit as something of a utility player but again he was loved by the fans during his time there.
    4 points
  3. Something that strikes me as strange with our outfit is that when we've had a bad patch and the vultures are circling for the managers head they suddenly out of the blue conjure up a couple of top performances. Whoever the opposition. Yet when it's all to play for and there is an actual goal of getting into the top 6 it's dull, lacking drive and back to the usual slow disjointed tactics. Why is this ? I'm not calling the team bottle jobs because they've grafted for 2 points this week they didn't cave in. Just wonder why from the gaffers point of view we don't go for it a bit more when there's nothing to lose really. And why we aren't capable of those backs to the wall type brave efforts when there's a nice position up for grabs ?
    4 points
  4. I think Rothwell is not the finished article. He has good speed over 10 -20 yards, fast feet, good control, attack minded, we'd be foolish to let him go as there is a real player in there.
    4 points
  5. Didnt realise replying to those he disagreed with with - ? ? ??? ? counted as good debating, but there you go.
    3 points
  6. Image of the day from the game. Cry away you cheating gits
    3 points
  7. You would if he’d have had a great game wide (or is it outside forward?), you’d have been like a dog on heat this morning. He had a good game centrally, where many posters on here wanted him to play and you ‘can’t be assed’
    3 points
  8. You need to be clearer then, you talked about the plethora of players he’s given debuts to from the academy, and then listed academy grads. You can spin stats anyway you want, another take would be only Travis is a regular starter from players he’s given debuts to. (I think he’s been good with youth, by the way, but using Lenihan as an example is pushing it).
    3 points
  9. Great story, but Lenihan, Raya and Nyambe had played for the first team before he arrived. Lenihan was a regular with 50 games under his belt, Nyambe about 20.
    3 points
  10. Rothwell is universally liked by the fans from what I can see. I’ve been screaming from the rooftops to have him in the side for a while. But this season he has shown why TM had been holding him back. He had a run of games with zero assists or goals and that’s his problem. He doesn’t effect the game statistically enough. Yes, he’s pretty to watch and undoubtedly talented but he needs to add those final qualities to meet his potential. He had at least two chances which dropped to him on the edge of the box vs Swansea and never looked like scoring. The most effective half I’ve seen him play was his last before injury when he got an assist and ‘assisted the assist’ vs qpr. He continues to be a footballing enigma like many before him and no doubt lots after. Oh and Travs development technically from a RB to a CM is basically down to Jonty who was tasked with coaching the 23’s and getting them into the first team by Mowbray. Dunny would’ve had some involvement. Mowbray then transitioned Jonty into the first team to bridge the gap from 23’s to first team and bring in data analysis. But the main asset there is Trav. Absolute beast of a character. A winner.
    3 points
  11. Dack won't be ready until next Christmas. In the meantime we have a huge summer transfer window. By November this year I haven't a clue what players we will have in the squad let alone how to line them up with or without Dack.
    3 points
  12. Sorry, doesn't look a straight red to me. I'd have been furious if a red card had been given against our player for this. Clashes are inevitable in football when 2 players go for the ball. I'd hate to see it become a non-contact sport.
    2 points
  13. Would feel weird calling him anything else. Sorry if that offends you. I’ll remember to call Dunny, Flit, Janny, Shorty, Trav and Bucko by their Sunday name too in future!
    2 points
  14. I would refer to him as Jonty tbh - I used to go to all the Rovers reserve games at Springfield Park (Wigan), Preston and somewhere else that my aging mind won't let me remember. We called him Jonty then, everybody would (this was back in the days when both him and Damien Duff would either be playing or scoffing pies in the stands!)
    2 points
  15. ....... that managers don't know how to get the best out of him ? He can't be a "very good player" and not secure a regular place. Personally, I'd have loved him at Ewood. Had a few ropey games but more often than not was excellent for us.
    2 points
  16. We dived to get a penalty and Travis has been a master shithouse recently, everyone does it In fact recently we were asking for more Shithousery
    2 points
  17. There always something more satisfying when you get a last minute goal vs a side that’s been playing silly beggars and time wasting.
    2 points
  18. What a ridiculous comment. Preston have lost 3 of their last 5 and are playing shite. This in the mix is getting on my tits now, can we stop?
    2 points
  19. You're contradicting yourself completely there Matty - if you don't think we'll do it then by definition in your mind we are not in the mix! Also people keep mentioning Villa as an example of how we might be able to work ourselves into the mix - but they only did so after they changed manager! Which incidentally is the only way I think we'd be able to work our way into the mix - by bringing someone in who will deliver victories not disappointing outcomes when it matters.
    2 points
  20. Totally agree Paul. Mowbray and his staff have improve our players like Armstrong, Lenihan, Nyambe. Plus bringing through players like Buckley, Rankin Costello, Travis into the first team. And there is more in the pipeline like Carter, Thompson, Hilton, Whitehall. Good times ahead
    2 points
  21. Not unwarranted, you’ve decided to take your ball home once proven wrong. Poor do.
    2 points
  22. I get your point about the loan. There’s no doubt that Trav changed his mind with performances but that doesn’t mean Mowbray didn’t rate him. Far from it. Trav was a RB by trade. Has spent the last 15 months (since ending Smallwoods Rovers career) working tirelessly with the coaching staff to understand that position (CM) and learning to deal with threats and decision all around him and not just what’s on the left of him (as a rb does). His development has been incredible. I reckon if you watched a video of him when he broke through to now you’d be blown away. He always had great athletic prowess and mental drive but his awareness, range of passing, ability to sniff out danger and manoeuvre out of tight spaces with the ball have improved immeasurably. Add to that game management and the fact that he wins man of the match most games and I think there will be some big interest in him in the summer.
    2 points
  23. Anyone who genuinely believes that Mowbray has played no part in those players emergence and success has lost the plot. Agenda driven delusion.
    2 points
  24. The spin of giving Mowbray credit for Lenihan, Nyambe and Raya is superb. Like Yardley with his spin after the game yesterday, "this team never gives up". Someone needs to tell him we have picked up 5 points from losing positions this season.
    2 points
  25. ‘I’m not getting into a Gallagher debate again’ i.e I was wrong but won’t put my hands up. Poor form.
    2 points
  26. What is funny is this emerging rhetoric that TM hasn’t had anything to do with the influx of successful young players into the first team. It’s like saying Sir Alex Ferguson had nothing to do with the success of Scholes, Giggs and Beckham etc! They must’ve got there because of Brian Kidd hey? Or maybe a chance chat chat with Denis Irwin? The manager is ultimately responsible. If you’re going to blame him for everything that goes wrong then you have to be prepared to give him credit for the successes. Tony Mowbray has statistically given more academy players their debuts in 3yrs than any other Rovers manager in the last 30yrs. Nyambe, Travis, Lenihan, Raya, Buckley, JRC, Butterworth, Magloire etc are on him ultimately. No one else!
    2 points
  27. Disagree with that. Their penalty-taker slowed his run up and waited for Walton to move. Then he rolled in to the empty side of the net. Graham just hit his to the side he always intended without looking at the keeper. As you say their keeper guessed right and he had a 50-50 chance. Walton had no chance. Swansea guys was easily the superior penalty.
    2 points
  28. In the mix is ‘in contention for’ If you were talking about who is likely to win Wimbledon this year you may say Djokovic is favourite but Nadal and Agassi are also in the mix (my tennis references are somewhat out dated) We are well and truly in the mix at the moment, you wouldn’t say only those currently in the play off spots are in the mix to be there come May
    2 points
  29. Not sure there is, meant to be an attacking threat that doesn’t chip in with either goals or assists . Looks good without being effective.
    2 points
  30. Embarrassing for the bloke, but you do wonder if something else is going on there. A repeated compulsion to put others down is not usually a sign of a contented person.
    2 points
  31. Lovely little cameo today from Big Ben. The boy can play! I think he is at his best centrally with someone next to him. I don't think a wide role or a lone one suits him at present. He narked Swansea for some reason and drew so many fouls. He has tidy feet and some pace. He has always had a kind of swaggering confidence. It's just hard at present to fit him in centrally from the off and I hope Mowbray never plays him wide again. As things stand, I would place him ahead of Samuel and Graham but behind Armstrong and Gallagher in the pecking order as striker. A goal would do wonders for him.
    2 points
  32. Tin hat time, thought Rothwell was poor today, he shows willing by dropping deep and showing for the ball but his end product was miles off
    2 points
  33. Brereton got a penalty and was lively in those 35 mins he played. I would like him to get a run that will give him confidence for next season. The guy is Only 20 years old!!
    2 points
  34. First league game watching my beloved rovers and while I’d have preferred a win I can’t complain with a hard fought draw at the end. Graham was poor altogether, Gallagher seemed to miss as many headers as he connected with (but scored a lovely goal) and Armstrong was hardly involved. On the other hand, Brereton was excellent and he had a lovely bit of footwork near the end, also did well to get a chance in the dying minutes, so so close to breaking his duck this season. For me he has to start the next game as he has been improving with every appearance. Travis excellent again, delighted for Johnson with the goal as well. I was there with two neutrals and the consensus was that we won the first half but were lucky to get the draw in the second. I have to agree, Swansea certainly came into the match after half time and we did well to get a point. I called this as a must-win but results elsewhere have been very kind to us. Here’s hoping that we can turn some of our battling performances into wins rather than draws and end the season in a strong position. The playoff dream is not (quite) over. Also, The atmosphere in the walker upper was far better than I’d been led to expect and the veg slice pie and chips was bloody delicious ? I only wish I lived closer to Blackburn as I thoroughly enjoyed today and I would love to have the option of attending more games. Safe to say I will be back soon and dragging Mrs and junior hypnotic along with me ?
    2 points
  35. If Dack’s fit and he’s staying, which some seem to think he won’t be above, then he plays. He’s our best player and we need to continue to build the team around him. Nothing has changed since he’s been out injured in that regard, for me.
    1 point
  36. Mowbray is responsible for holding Nyambe back in his development. Like Bennet was ever better than him at right back....he should have racked up close to 200 appearances now instead he's not done 100.....shocking management
    1 point
  37. Johnson is doing the video analysis work with him. Didn't Downing heaped praise on Johnson also.
    1 point
  38. I saw a recent interview with Nyambe where he heaped praise on Damien Johnson for his work with him.
    1 point
  39. Nyambe hasn’t been at this level until now. In the matches he played last season he was often targeted. I can think of a couple of games where he was absolutely roasted. Preston away was the worst... But I really don’t want to go off on a tangent here. My point is that Mowbray HAS played a positive part in all of the successes of those players. Some more so, some less so. But ultimately as the manager he is responsible for the positives AND negatives during his tenure.
    1 point
  40. As far as I remember Walton's gone the wrong way every time. Could he be telegraphing his intentions and the taker adjusts. Really can't remember Walton getting close to a penalty.
    1 point
  41. 7 million and a squandered season-and-a-half isn't 'unearthing a gem' at this level, even if it works out in the end! Definitely looking brighter lately. Long may it continue and improve.
    1 point
  42. A journalist by trade too, real solidarity there. That said he does seem to get a perverse pleasure in screen grabbing every typo he spots in the LT. Odd (and seemingly very embittered) bloke.
    1 point
  43. Been (and still am) a big critic but that was by far and away his most effective performance today.
    1 point
  44. Thought Nyambe wa better than Tosin today and he is ours.
    1 point
  45. Well over the top comment by Wilkinson. No need to post it
    1 point
  46. Just to reiterate, Brereton definitely looked good today...…..long may it continue.
    1 point
  47. Slightly more off topic I used to work at a place that provided you with safety boots for free. When the shipment arrived I went and got my boots and my workmates boots as well. We had the same style boots and the same shoe size. I swapped his right boot for my left boot in his shoe box. So he had two left boots in the box. When it was lunch time I innocently said - " The new boots are here Rod, are you trying yours on ? " Well he got the first one on the correct foot ok but watching him trying to get a left foot boot on his right foot was hilarious. It was only when I burst out laughing that he realised that he'd been had.
    1 point
  48. As always, apologies for sharing a paywalled link (I think they'll let you look at one article, if your cookies haven't already logged a view), but The Athletic's latest 'Perfect Player' feature has Jansen describing his 'Perfect Blackburn Rovers Player': https://theathletic.com/1224181/2019/10/05/perfect-player-matt-jansen-tugay-would-smell-of-tobacco-in-the-dressing-room-then-run-the-show-for-45-minutes/ If you can't access the link, in short (it's actually a fairly short article): Tugay's right foot and intelligance, Duff's left foot, Gillespie's speed, Short's heading, MGP's engine, Flitcroft's tackling, and Reid's 'niceness'.
    1 point

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